WEBD 166 - PHP

WEBD 166 - PHP

This application uses file permissions, writing to files, locking files, reading from files, handling file uploads, navigating directories, creating directories, reading files incrementally to allow you to register, login, add a quotation to the file, view a random quotation from the file, upload a file to an uploads folder and view the root directory:

A Starbucks spending calculator PHP script. If you're spending too much, you'll get some helpful advice.

A web application using includes/templates, constants, sticky forms, output buffering, and HTTP headers.

A PHP script that takes a list of students and grades and sorts them using asort() and ksort().

A PHP script that takes in a list of words into an array and then returns them in alphabetical order.

A PHP script that takes in a list of words into an array and then returns them in alphabetical order.

A PHP script that uses a multi-dimensional array to list out all the NFL teams by division.

HTML registration form that sends data (e-mail address, password, password confirmation, year of birth, favorite color, and agreement to site tersms) to a PHP page.

HTML form that sends different values in the form of string variables to a PHP script. Users can post their name, e-mail address, and a message.

E-commerce calculator that will take a price, quantity, discount amount, tax rate, and shipping cost and a PHP script that handles the form will return a total cost that will be broken down by monthly payments.

HTML/PHP feedback form that takes the user's title/honorific, name, e-mail address, response and comments.

  • HTML5,
  • CSS3,
  • PHP,